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domingo, 7 de maio de 2023

"You make me do too much labour!"

Nome: Ádila Sodré Freitas

RGM: 27887588

Turma e turno: Estudo Linguístico-Discursivos em Língua Inglesa IV - Matutino 

Poemas escolhidos:

emptying out of my mother’s belly
was my first act of disappearance
learning to shrink for a family
who likes their daughters invisible
was the second
the art of being empty
is simple
believe them when they say
you are nothing
repeat it to yourself
like a wish
i am nothing
i am nothing
i am nothing
so often
the only reason you know
you’re still alive is from the
heaving of your chest

    -the art of being empty


when my mother opens her mouth
to have a conversation at dinner
my father shoves the word hush
between her lips and tells her to
never speak with her mouth full
this is how the women in my family
learned to live with their mouths closed



Não pude escolher apenas um poema pois os dois poemas acima de Kaur, no meu ponto de vista, se complementam e me fazem pensar na música lançada em 2023, chamada Labour da artista Paris Paloma. A música transmite a raiva feminina, a do tipo que tem fervido silenciosamente por gerações antes de finalmente transbordar. Ela canta sobre o peso esmagador da feminilidade tantas vezes perpetuado por um parceiro, dando voz a cada mulher silenciada, alimentando sua performance com uma fúria silenciosa e coletiva.

Scaneie para ouvir no Spotify!

Ou clique no link para ouvir no youtube: Labour - Paris Paloma

Pensando na música e nos poemas de Kaur, que trata da dor de ser silenciada e se sentir como nada apenas por ser mulher, apresento uma produção que trás o ponto vista de uma mulher cansada.

The first time I confronted a man, I was tired of feeling unworth. Unworth of affection, care, love. Tired of seing my mother cry for something it wasn’t her fault, tired of being silenced, being blamed and being scared in my own house. Tired of have to be a mother without having a child, of act like a wife even though I am not married.

That day I said: “enough, I can’t do this anymore.” I shouted everything that hurt me for so long, I cried every cry I was ever told to swallow, cried with sadness, with pain, but mostly with relief. After that I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and now looking back, I have no regrets, because now I don’t feel unworth anymore.

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