Sobre o blog:

domingo, 7 de maio de 2023

Tertúlia Literária


Nome: Michele Campos e Diogo Filgueiras

RGM: 26011671 e 29646022

Turma e Turno: Estudos Linguístico-Discursivos em Língua Inglesa IV - N1 (Noturno)


Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur

The part of the poem from the book Milk and Honey of Hupi Kaur that we’ve had chosen is:

“you have sadness living in places sadness shouldn’t live”. 

This piece of the text makes us imagine that something really sad have happened to someone...situations when you lost your motivation to do the things you’re used to because of these bad moments, or bad persons. Even though the main theme of the book’s about violence against women, anyone could face challenging moments.


Last year, the Park Shopping Mall, in Brasília, recieved an art exposition named Beyond Van Gogh, an immersive experience about his art productions. There are a lot of projections of his paintings in the walls of the place, while a very captivating sound track was playing. It was very memorable and sensitive observe and feel what the dutch painter was trying to say through his art.



    Image 2: The starry night (1889)                                                             
    Image 3: Self-portrait (1887)

Ecxatly because of this experience, this piece of the poetry reminds us the great painter’s life. According to Daru (2022), Van Gogh (1853-1890) produced more than 800 oil paintings, for about 10 years, but he died in anonymous. He faced extreme financial hardship and big disappointments (he was never lucky in love), that caused him mental breakdowns. He suffered a lot because of numerous speculations about his life, behavior and character. Even with all the judgment, he tried to seek joy in the simplicity of things in life. All his struggle agaisnt sadness inspired him painting so much, trying to put the pain out of his soul.

In some letter that he wrote to his sister he said:

For my part, I still continually have the most impossible and highly unsuitable love affairs from which, as a rule, I emerge only with shame and disgrace.

To his sister Willemien from Paris, late October 1887

    Image 4: Letter from Van Gogh

                                                           Sound track also available in this Youtube link: 


DARÚ, Ana Lúcia Corrêa. VICENT VAN GOGH:MINHA HISTÓRIA. São Paulo: e-galáxia, 2022.

KAUR, Rupi. MILK AND HONEY. EUA: Andrews Mcmeel Publishing, 2015.

Van Gogh’s Museum. Available in: in:  04/26/23.

Van Gogh’s Letters. Available in; acess in:  04/26/23.

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